Evidence of our expertise and how WE SOLVE PROBLEMS for our customers

Oil and water don’t mix – don’t let pollution be the result. Turn oily condensate from your air compressor into steam for synthetic and petroleum base lubricants with ThermaPhase. It leaves zero...

Compliance of EPA Clean Water Act CWA-404 Compressed air systems produce condensate that contains water, oil, and contaminants, posing environmental risks and potential EPA violations if not properly...

A customer needed help with a project requiring nitrogen generation, and Motion & Control Enterprises (MCE) stepped in and created a solution that resulted in cost savings, increased morale, and...

The Challenge: When our customer's main compressor unexpectedly failed, they faced a pressing need for a replacement before the year's end. They were also noticing moisture issues and having concerns...

The Problem: A small food packaging company near Pittsburgh encountered significant challenges with its compressor equipment. The company was dissatisfied with the service from a competitor who had...
When it comes to choosing a rotary screw air compressor, you need to acknowledge the heat. Compressing air from 0 to 125 PSIG creates heat through the “heat of compression” process. The air needs to...

Connected Air Compressors Across Room. Electricity, water, and gas are all utilities that every plant requires to produce product and assure plant uptime. However, another utility is often overlooked...

You May Qualify for a Significant Energy Rebate Up to $10K Think of air audits as just another cost to the business? Wrong! The department of Energy states that a facility that has never had a...

The state funded project required nitrogen for mold creation and Motion & Control Enterprises (MCE) generated the nitrogen solution that helped create an entirely new market for coal. Download this...

There’s a simple answer to why industries of all types should be using oil free air compressors: No oil is introduced into the air or manufactured product! While this simple answer is the endgame for...

A customer found themselves frustrated with the high cost of bulk nitrogen and the associated fees of their nitrogen contract. The company called on Diversified Air Systems (DAS), a Motion & Control...
The Problem A customer was meeting with Diversified Air Systems, an MCE company, for a routine visit to gather preventative maintenance information for an agreement. During the visit, the team...
The Problem A customer faced these significant issues with his current compressor vendor.: The compressors were on the third floor of a historic landmark building, adjacent to the boiler room,...

The Problem The co-owners of a pizza company were in the early stages, focused onpizza crust production for distribution. The company used the air for the automation line from dough to cut moving...

NITROGEN IS THE SECOND MOST WIDELY USED GAS IN INDUSTRY Tasteless, odorless, inert, and non-combustible, nitrogen is an important element used for a variety of different industrial purposes. Used in...

The Problem A company was experiencing inefficiencies due to its aging dryer and compressors. During a routine service, a Diversified Air Systems, an MCE company, technician identified the problems...
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