Just as technology has made our cars and homes smarter, technology is transforming industry as well.
No matter what realm you work in, technological advances are making it easier for the machines we work with to communicate to us, enabling us to make decisions and take action to be more proactive, more efficient, and ultimately more competitive.
This is the basis of the terms that we are hearing more and more: such as the Internet of Things, Voice of Machine, condition monitoring, data driven manufacturing, etc.
Basically it is involves being able to place some type of diagnostic device, such a sensor, in a strategic position to allow machines to be able to tell us when they are in need of something.
For example, if you have a machine that requires constant lubrication to keep it running well, a sensor that can measure rising temperature can indicate when the lubrication is failing in some way. This allows you to act before damage is done – and this is just one example.
In this first of several series designed to highlight the many facets of how technology is driving value in industry, we focus on Parker’s Voice of the Machine technology. Read below and click the resources to learn more about this amazing technology.
Voice of the Machine from Parker
How many times have you wished had known something was going wrong so you could have fixed it before it became a major problem? If only we had that magic crystal ball to tell us when that hose was failing, or when the hydraulic oil was getting too dirty…
There is a way. Parker has engineered Voice of the Machine (VOM) technology that places sensors in strategic locations, allowing you to remotely monitor assets to improve safety, reduce risk, maintenance costs and unplanned downtime. Even better than a crystal ball, VOM can uncover hidden opportunities to improve efficiency.
Watch the Video Read the White Papers
So what is the best system for you and your operation? Is the expense of purchasing this type of system cost-effective for you? How will you get the data and will you be able to easily understand when you need to act? This is where we can help.
There are numerous options available for to assist you in diagnosing problems, helping you maintain your equipment to prevent shutdowns, and on a higher level, help you monitor your equipment on a regular or continuous basis so that you can keep it running at peak performance.
As an authorized distributor for Parker products, we can assess your operations and identify the best solution to meet your needs and goals in a way that meets your budgetary restraints.